Honorar Berlin

This service is best suited for those who can comfortably accommodate my rates.
Payments are possible via bank transfer, crypto (ETH/BTC) or cash.


(up to 2 full days)


Over night / day Time

(up to 20h)


Girlfriend time

(up to 8 h)


I want you

(2-3 h)


I want you more

(3-4 h)


quick bite

(1-2 h)


Special offer 

If you book 3 Dates at once
within the timeframe of 6 months-
you will get the shortest one for free 

& an erotic massage on top. 

Travel Companionship 

minimum booking 3 days


2000.- / day for the first 3 days

+ every additional day / + 1.500.-

All travel costs (accommodation, chauffeur, hotel costs) are included.
Please keep in mind that I appreciate some me-time each day.

All prices are in euro / alle Angaben sind in € 

*additional hour / add 500.-

*additional day / add 1.500.-

A very special offer!

If there is one thing that I find more important than freedom, then it is fulfilling inner longings. I love all the childhood dreams, silly ideas and crazy fantasies. Going through the experience alone can free us from the inner urge to do so. Freeing ourselves from the longings that torment our spirit too much sometimes, so maybe it's just freedom we're striving for again and after all. We are such developed beings, but far too often we try to kill the child within us.

Have you always wanted to skydive, or wake up in a cute VW bus with a sea view and a beautiful companion? Fucking in the van and ending it on the beach? Ever wanted to go to a Cluedo house or Disneyland or do whatever the fuck you want all day at an amusement park? Do you want to walk the Way of St. James, do an Ayahuaska cure or learn how to meditate? Go to the nudist beach or the normal beach and still undress? Do you want to learn about tantra and squirting? Have you ever wanted to serve as a nude model or as a muse for a work of art? Be a nudist for a day? Let someone tie you up? Draw a picture with your naked body? Lick chocolate off your muse? Maybe you just want to steal a chocolate bar or go to a circus because the last time was way too long ago. Make your own porn film? Go to a swingers club or to a cool brothel? Or have you always wanted to be able to play a certain piece on the piano or take singing lessons? Always dreamed of bathing in sparkling wine or eat sushi from a naked body? Celebrate a very special birthday? Maybe you've wanted to slip into the role of a different gender or live the role of a completely fictional character for a day. 

What are the things you never dared to do, never found the right person to do, or never got the right time? I'm giving you the best and easiest chance to do it. with me

I have a things-to-do-before-I-die list and a fuck-it-list myself, for example I always wanted to ride motocross and learn how to pole dance. I've always wanted to go on a really extensive shopping spree and spend several thousand euros all at once. Always wanted to go bungee jumping and organise my ideal high-class sex party myself. (Hit me up if you wanna sponsor that) Produce a season of erotic films, book 4 callboys for my first long-awaited gangbang. Why haven't I done it yet? I don't know, but I know that if I were to die tomorrow thinking about all the things I never did, I would be absolutely frustrated.

It would be an honor to work with you on your personal list! I really am very open and non-judgemental. I can only promise to do my best to make your fantasy come true, whatever it is, and finally experience it together with you! I love every cliché fantasy and everything that`s off cliché as well. As long as nobody gets hurt, I have an open ear for all fantasies and ideas that you could only imagine!

We just have to agree on a plan, a date and a price!

Du bist daran interessiert die Kunsthure und ihre Projekte zu fördern? 

Durch Sponsoring fließen Künstler*innen Zeit und Ressourcen zu, um weitere Kunst zu schaffen.
Sponsoring kann dauerhaft oder einmalig geschehen, gerne auch anonym.
Du könntest deine eigenen Ideen einbringen und gezielt Projekte in ihrer Umsetzung fördern. 

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